Wednesday 12 March 2014

Missing Malaysian Jet MH370 Pilot’s Last Words Revealed.

Missing Malaysian Jet MH370 Pilot’s Last Words Revealed.

Aviation officials have revealed the final words of the pilot flying missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 as chaos surrounding the hunt escalates.

“All right, good night” were the last heard words from Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, which were revealed for the first time at a meeting in Beijing today between the Malaysian government and a group of 400 distraught Chinese relatives, Malaysian media outlets report.

His last heard words were made in response after Malaysian air traffic controllers told the cockpit that they were entering Vietnamese airspace and that air
traffic controllers from Ho Chi Minh City were taking over, The Straits Times report.

The flight then disappeared from radar screens.

Anxious and angry, the two-hour long meeting ended with more questions than answers at the Metropark Lido hotel where Malaysia’s envoy to China, Datuk
Iskandar Sarudin, spoke to the relatives.
Officials told them that the pilot should still have sent a secret mayday code, even if the plane was hijacked.

The officials also said that there was no reason to suspect the pilot, who was experienced and had passed all the checks that apply to pilots.

In a confusing exchange, relatives asked if military-grade radar had picked up the plane.

Military air data and technology would go beyond the civilian ones, they said.
The official replied that the Malaysian military was assisting investigations “at a high level.”

Pressed repeatedly on what information the military had given authorities, he finally replied that “now is not the time” to reveal it.

The exchange boosted theories among the families that there are ongoing secret negotiations with terrorists who had hijacked the plane.

Adding to this was the official’s earlier statement that Malaysia hopes that the passengers are alive.
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